1. The correct sequence, from the smallest to the largest units, is
A. organelles, cells, tissues, organs, systems.
B. organelles, systems, organs, tissues, cells.
C. cells, organelles, tissues, organs, systems.
D. cells, tissues, organs, organelles, systems.
Questions 2 and 3 refer to the following diagrams.

2. Take a 3 cm length of balsam stem. Cut it into four longitudinal strips. Take two strips, X and Y, place X in solution P and Y in solution Q. The diagram below shows the appearance of X and Y at the start of the experiment and 15 minutes later.Which of the following could be a possible description of P and Q?
A. P: syrup; Q: water
B. P: brine; Q: distilled water
C. P: brine; Q: syrup
D. P: distilled water; Q: brine
3. Name the processes that have brought about the changes in X and Y.
A. X: diffusion; Y: osmosis
B. X: osmosis; Y: diffusion
C. X: endosmosis; Y: exosmosis
D. X: exosmosis; Y: endosmosis
4. In an experiment, the apparatus shown in the diagram below was left in the light for two days. The leaf 1 and leaf 2 were then tested for starch.

The experiment could be used to show that, during starch formation
A. carbon dioxide is absorbed
B. carbon dioxide is given off
C. light is absorbed
D. oxygen is absorbed
5. Biological washing powders remove stains by enzyme action. Which of the following combinations would be most effective in removing an egg stain?
A. Amylase and protease
B. Catalase and lipase
C. Lipase and maltase
D. Lipase and protease
6. Which is the correct priority in a human body of using the following substances to release energy?
A. Glycogen, fat, tissue protein
B. Fat, glycogen, tissue protein
C. Tissue protein, glycogen, fat
D. Tissue protein, fat, glycogen
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. A