Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fluids in the Body...

Blood = Plasma + red blood cells + white blood cells + platelets [Blood is the fluid found inside the blood vessels]

Plasma = Water + hormones + nutrients (lipids + vitamins + sugars + amino acids + mineral salts) + plasma proteins (fibrinogen + prothrombin + globulin + albumin)

Serum = Plasma - clotting components (fibrinogen + prothrombin)

Tissue fluid = Plasma - plasma proteins [Tissue fluid is the fluid that surrounds the cells of the body, and is formed from plasma.]

Lymph = Tissue fluid + lymphocytes [Lymph is the fluid that is found inside the lymphatic capillaries/lacteals.]

Chyle = Lymph + fat globules [Formed when fat globules enter into the lacteals inside the villi of the small intestine.]

Saliva = Water + mucin + salivary amylase

Gastric juice (acidic) = Water + HCl + pepsinogen + prorennin + mucin

Chyme = Semi-liquid food (partially digested) from stomach

Bile (alkaline) = Water + bile pigments + bile salts

Pancreatic juice (alkaline) = Water + pancreatic enzymes TAL; (trypsin (inactive form: trypsinogen) + amylase + lipase)

Intestinal juice (alkaline) : Water plus maltase, lactase, sucrase, lipase, erepsin, enterokinase

Urine = Water + excess mineral salts + urea + creatinine + uric acid [Glucose is present ONLY if person has diabetes, proteins are present ONLY if person has kidney failure]

Sweat = Water + sodium chloride + small amounts of urea


Gabriel Chek said...

what's TAL?

decruz said...

TAL- Enzymes in pancreatic juice
Trypsinogen, Amylase and Lipase