(a) W is the remains of a floral part. Name the floral part. [1]
(b)(i) What are the structures labeled X? [1]
(ii) Describe how the structures labeled X are dispersed? [3]
(c) Structures X are developed from structures Z. Suggest why Z indicated in the above photograph have not developed into X. [1]
(d) State the floral part which structure Y is developed from. [1]
(a) Style;
(b)(i) Seeds;
(b)(ii) Seeds are dispersed by explosive mechanism away from the parent plant;
Pericarp (Y) shrinks as it dries up, building up tension;
Which forces the pod to split along the lines of dehiscence to open the fruit, scattering the seeds;
(c) The ova in the ovules (Z) have not been fertilized [1/2]
Which otherwise would have caused the ovule to develop into seeds [1/2]
(d) Ovary wall;
2. Diagram 1 below shows a longitudinal section of a flower while diagram II shows a section of the human female reproductive system.

(a) Using the letters in the diagram, state the structure of the flower which is comparable to structure E in humans. State the function common to them. [2]
(b) Using the letters in Diagram 1, state where fertilization normally occurs [2]
(i) in the flower
(ii) in the female human
(c) Explain why a woman cannot have children if structure F is blocked. [1]
(d) The problem mentioned in (c) can be remediated by practicing the ‘test-tube baby’ technique.
(i) From your own knowledge on this technique, describe how a ‘test-tube baby’ can be produced. [3]
(ii) Why is it inaccurate to term the baby produced by this technique as a test-tube baby’ ? State two rationales for your answer. [2]
(a) D;
Production of ova / female gametes;
(b)(i) D; (ii) F;
(c) The sperms and the ovum released cannot reach each other, fertilisation would not occur;
(d)(i) Ova are removed from a woman’s ovary and fertilized by sperms in a culture solution in a Petri dish;
Embryos of good quality are identified and picked up from the culture solution and;
Transferred onto the uterus of the mother for implantation and development;
(ii) The baby does not grow/develop in the test tube (petri dish) except during the fertilization process;
The baby actually develops inside the uterus of the mother throughout;
3. a) Compare the following and tabulate your answers in a table.
(i) The ways in which a plant embryo and a human embryo are protected,
(ii) How they are able to obtain raw materials for nutrition, and
(iii) How they are able to obtain raw materials for respiration. [8]
(b) Using a named example, describe the processes of pollination. [1]

(b) Pollination in Hibiscus/Clitoria flowers refers to the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or a different flower using a pollination agent, in this case an insect;
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